New for 2025 — Private Artist Retreats! For special pricing, contact Peggy at 970-560-0333.

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Willowtail Springs Hotel in Southwest Colorado

Willowtail Springs Lodging is the best kept secret of the Southwest. Did you know that it is also an Artist Residency? Check out the site here.

“My Willowtail experience — from conceiving a proposal to the actual residency to executing and realizing my project — was the catalyst for so many creative endeavors that did not exist nor would have been possible otherwise.”

– David Holub



Dear Peggy & Lee,

I am happy to share these images from my residency with you to promote future residencies.   I will donate the usage of these to the non-profit for print and web, with the use of a watermark, linkback or photo credits when used.

If you would like to use any images to promote the for profit side of Willowtail Springs, I would like to discuss compensation prior to usage. Payment could be with money and/or trade as we agree on at the time. Photo credits are always appreciated and I want to thank you for being so good about it in the past.

Thank you for such a wonderful time and place to do my work.

If I can help others do the same in the future, please let me know.


With gratitude,
